What do you miss most about your favourite sport?
For months, the COVID-19 pandemic put professional sports and the Olympics on hold. But as the world begins to reopen, it's starting to look like it's game on. What are you looking forward to as the games begin?
With amateur sport on hold, pro leagues are looking at how to get back into the game

The COVID-19 pandemic put professional sports and the Olympics on hold, but as the world begins to reopen, it's starting to look like it's game on.
Last month, the NBA has announced a plan to restart the basketball season this month, playing in a "bubble" of sorts in the league's complex at Disney World in Florida.
Recent reports suggest that the NHL will create hubs in both Toronto and Edmonton in a bid to get back on the ice, and the Toronto Blue Jays announced Thursday they'll begin training for the upcoming season in their home town.
Meanwhile, amateur sports for children and teens have been put on hold across the country.
Our question this week: What do you miss most about your favourite sport?