What's at stake for Canada in the next U.S. election?
The U.S. presidential election is just two months away — and its results could send aftershocks north of the 49th parallel. CBC's senior news correspondent Paul Hunter guest hosts from Washington, D.C.
CBC's Paul Hunter guest hosts from Washington, D.C.

Now that the Democratic and Republican National Conventions are over, the final stretch in the race for the 46th U.S. president has begun.
In just over two months, on Nov. 3, Americans will cast their vote. Will the Republican incumbent, Donald Trump, win a second four-year term? Or will he be unseated by Democratic candidate Joe Biden?
Former president Barack Obama, for whom Biden served as vice-president, calls it a vote that will "echo through generations to come."
Canadians are also keeping a close eye on the U.S. race, with many having family and friends living south of the border, as well as the major business and trade ties between the two nations.
Our question this week: What's at stake for Canada in the next U.S. election?