Deflated by inflation — and paying good money to do nothing with your money
The Cost of Living for September 19, 2021

- The Cost of Living ❤s money — how it makes (or breaks) us.
We also repeat the following Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. in most provinces.
Catch us Sundays on CBC Radio One at 12:00 p.m. (12:30 p.m. NT).
Miss a segment? Find this week's stories below.
Help wanted — really, REALLY wanted!
It's more difficult than ever to find good help these days. Or any help, for some businesses.
Canada's job market is in a quandary. Employers want to hire, and they have jobs to fill. Unemployment numbers say people are looking for work. So why are so many jobs still sitting empty?

How financial institutions can literally charge you for doing nothing
PayPal recently announced it will start charging customers up to $20 a year, if they don't log in or use their accounts for at least a year.
While it's a new charge for Canadian customers of the payment service, it's not unusual for many financial institutions.

Supply chain backlogs and how they are hitting consumers' wallets
18 months into the pandemic, Canadian businesses are still dealing with supply chain headaches.
That means waiting months for that mid-century modern sofa you ordered. More importantly for many, it also means higher prices.

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