Why it's so hard to get cell phone competition in Canada - and why are online recipes so darn long?
This week the Cost of Living team gets an insider's look at what it takes to compete in Canada's telecom industry. Also, we find out what's behind those never-ending online recipe posts. Finally, we say goodbye to a Canadian breakfast cereal that has some fans searching stores across the country for remaining boxes.

- The Cost of Living ❤s money — how it makes (or breaks) us.
Catch us Sundays on CBC Radio One at 12:00 p.m. (12:30 p.m. NT).
We also repeat the following Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. in most provinces.
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This week the Cost of Living team gets an insider's look at what it takes to compete in Canada's telecom industry from the former CEO of Wind Mobile. Host Paul Haavardsrud talks with Anthony Lacavera days after Rogers and Shaw announced their proposed merger.

Also have you ever wondered why you need to find out about someone's favourite blanket, why their kids love the colour mauve, and the story behind an interesting pair of socks before you find out how to make a simple chocolate chip cookie? We explain the ingredients in those never-ending online recipe posts.

Finally, we say goodbye to a Canadian breakfast cereal — one that has some fans searching stores across the country for the few remaining boxes.

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