Rehtaeh Parsons' father and Amanda Todd's mother on bullying laws
In April, Nova Scotia teen Rehtaeh Parsons was taken off life support after she hanged herself in her Halifax home. Her family says Rehtaeh was cyberbullied for months after a photo of her allegedly being sexually assaulted was shared on social media. On Thursday, Nova Scotia police charged two 18-year-old males in connection to Rehtaeh's case. But sadly, Rehtaeh's experiences of online torment...

In April, Nova Scotia teen Rehtaeh Parsons was taken off life support after she hanged herself in her Halifax home. Her family says Rehtaeh was cyberbullied for months after a photo of her allegedly being sexually assaulted was shared on social media. On Thursday, Nova Scotia police charged two 18-year-old males in connection to Rehtaeh's case. But sadly, Rehtaeh's experiences of online torment aren't unique. BC teen Amanda Todd committed suicide after posting a video on YouTube chronicling the years of bullying she endured. This week, Canada's first cyberbullying law came into effect in Nova Scotia. Under the new law, residents can seek protection from the courts if their children are being cyberbullied. Rehtaeh Parson's father Glen Canning and Amanda Todd's mother Carol Todd join Day 6 this week to talk about the potential impact of the new law.