Day 6

Blocked on Weibo: What you can and can't say on China's Twitter

One of the most active websites in China is Weibo, a Twitter-meets-Facebook social media site with some 600 million registered users. Navigating through what can and can't be said on Weibo has become a bit of a game - understanding why a certain word is banned one day, but not the next, makes it all that much more challenging. Blocked...
One of the most active websites in China is Weibo, a Twitter-meets-Facebook social media site with some 600 million registered users. Navigating through what can and can't be said on Weibo has become a bit of a game - understanding why a certain word is banned one day, but not the next, makes it all that much more challenging. Blocked on Weibo is a book just published by Jason Q. Ng, a Google Policy Fellow at the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab. Find out why you can't say "hairy bacon" on Weibo.