Episode 151: Tales of Corporate Espionage, Special Rights for Police Dogs, Suing the UN and more

Stealing Corporate Secrets
It's the old school [methods], the guy faxing the designs of the Gillette razor. It's someone being bribed. It's someone being blackmailed. You have a greater chance as a company of losing secrets that way than you would from any kind of electronic surveillance."
-Luke Bencie, Managing Director at Security Management International and author of Among Enemies: Counter Espionage for the Business Traveler Listen
Find more quotes from this week's guests and listen to the items below.Writers Read Munro
"You'd think it'd be the old guys trying to crawl in bed with the old women. But you know half the time it's the other way around. Old women going after the old men. Could be they're not so worn-out, I guess."
-Vincent Lam, Anne Michaels, Joseph Boyden and Lisa Moore read their favourite selections from the works of Alice Munro, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature Listen
Police Dogs and Special Protection
"They deserve protection just like we do as police officers."
-Troy Carriere, acting Staff-Sergeant with the Edmonton Police Canine Unit
"Are they tools or are they human beings? I think at the end of the day everybody knows that they're tools."
-Doug King, lawyer with Pivot Legal Listen
Suing the UN
"But I also have to concede the fact that there are a number of UN agencies that have made dreadful mistakes in the way they have fulfilled their mandate and they're never accountable. It really shocks me. And they have to be held accountable. Why should they be immune?"
-Stephen Lewis, Distinguished Visiting Professor at Ryerson University and Canada's former Ambassador to the U.N. Listen
Designer Babies and Eugenics
"I think it sends a negative message to our friends and neighbours and citizens who are living with disabilities and it puts us along to the path to, you know, pursue perfection which doesn't exist."
-Dr. Jeffery Nisker professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Schulich School of Medicine at Western University and author of Orchids
"I don't think it's ethical to ask babies to tolerate an avoidable disease in atonement for society's sins"
-Dr. Lee Silver, professor of Molecular Biology at Princeton, author of Remaking EdenListen