Senator Patrick Brazeau on reporting for Frank Magazine
Senator Patrick Brazeau took to Twitter last week, to try and find a job. "I'm looking for work. It's not a joke," he tweeted. Brazeau was suspended from the Senate in November, for alleged "gross negligence" in claiming inappropriate expenses. Luckily for Brazeau, the job hunt paid off: This week he was hired as a freelance Parliament Hill reporter by Frank, a Halifax-based satire...

Senator Patrick Brazeau took to Twitter last week, to try and find a job. "I'm looking for work. It's not a joke," he tweeted. Brazeau was suspended from the Senate in November, for alleged "gross negligence" in claiming inappropriate expenses. Luckily for Brazeau, the job hunt paid off: This week he was hired as a freelance Parliament Hill reporter by Frank, a Halifax-based satire and gossip magazine. Patrick Brazeau joins Day 6 to talk about his new gig and the ongoing RCMP investigations that surround him.