Episode 168: Psychedelics' Therapeutic Potential, Busting the TSA, Grandfather of the Snowboard and more

Let Them Trip
"Right now, the public impression of these drugs is that they're dangerous ... If they start hearing these drugs are used to treat people who are in pain, dying or have PTSD, I think the perception will change."
-David Nichols founded the Heffter Research Institute
"Within the scientific community, there was a lot of debate over how best to study LSD and some of it came up in ethical terms. [The 50s and 60s were] a very experimental period as well, so there was a lot of debate about what an ethical experiment should actually look like. "
-Erika Dyck, author of Psychedelic Psychiatry: LSD on the Canadian Prairies
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Dawn of the Snowboard
"I was living on the lake and I always wished I could surf. But the lake never had a wave big enough to really surf. But... it dawned on me that we could surf this hill all day long if we could keep getting to the top. In other words, this hill was a permanent wave. All we had to do was get up there, we could ride it over and over."
--Sherman Poppen, scientist and businessman, inventor of the Snurfer
Punked by a Penis
"This giant, man crafted wooden penis was on the roof of the car ....Those people who did this surely targeted [us to make] us feel uncomfortable. Our reply is okay - we understand our risks, and we know what country we live [in]. And this won't stop us."
-Katya Romanovskaya, satirist and co-founder of @KermlinRussia
TSA Exposed
"There was a lot of laughter going on, people would be joking... You get people making fun of genitalia size on men... On women, the breast size. Obese people, you know, making fun of obese people. Typical high school locker room stuff. "
-Jason Harrington, former TSA agent and blogger