Climate change and the future of the Winter Games
Rising temperatures at the Sochi Olympics this week are turning snow into slush, and drawing the ire of skiers and snowboarders. While Sochi isn't exactly a cold place, climate experts point to the melt as a sign that the world is running out of snowy venues to host the Winter Games. Brent spoke to Sochi's snow consultant Mikko Martikainen, and...

Rising temperatures at the Sochi Olympics this week are turning snow into slush, and drawing the ire of skiers and snowboarders. While Sochi isn't exactly a cold place, climate experts point to the melt as a sign that the world is running out of snowy venues to host the Winter Games. Brent spoke to Sochi's snow consultant Mikko Martikainen, and climatologist Daniel Scott for a long view on the future of winter sports.