Reichs, Gerritsen and McGrath on Female Victims and Violence in Crime Fiction
More and more women are reading and writing crime fiction. Young crime writers say they're being encouraged to write darker, gorier and more explicit scenes of violence because, according to their publishers, that's what female readers want. Where does this appetite come from? And how is the role of the female victim in crime fiction changing? Peter Armstrong takes those questions to...

More and more women are reading and writing crime fiction. Young crime writers say they're being encouraged to write darker, gorier and more explicit scenes of violence because, according to their publishers, that's what female readers want. Where does this appetite come from? And how is the role of the female victim in crime fiction changing? Peter Armstrong takes those questions to crime-writing titans Kathy Reichs, Tess Gerritsen, and Melanie "M.J." McGrath whose piece in The Guardian inspired the chat.
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