Science vs Wade: Researchers decry book linking race and genetics
More than 130 senior population geneticists have come out against Nicholas Wade's controversial book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History. They signed a letter published in the New York Times Book Review stating that Wade misappropriated and misrepresented their research. Wade responded with this statement. Brent spoke with Nicholas Wade when his book was released in May. We re-air...

More than 130 senior population geneticists have come out against Nicholas Wade's controversial book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History. They signed a letter published in the New York Times Book Review stating that Wade misappropriated and misrepresented their research. Wade responded with this statement. Brent spoke with Nicholas Wade when his book was released in May. We re-air an excerpt of that conversation, followed by Peter Armstrong speaking with one of the letter's organizers, Columbia biology professor Molly Przeworski.