Is seizing passports of potential violent radicals putting Canadians at risk?
This week, the world focused its attention on Canada, after two Canadian soldiers were killed in separate attacks. Neither of the killers had access to Canadian passports, and the RCMP says that played a role in the attacks. And earlier this month, Immigration Minister Chris Alexander said the government was considering revoking the passports of 80 people who have returned...

This week, the world focused its attention on Canada, after two Canadian soldiers were killed in separate attacks. Neither of the killers had access to Canadian passports, and the RCMP says that played a role in the attacks. And earlier this month, Immigration Minister Chris Alexander said the government was considering revoking the passports of 80 people who have returned to Canada after associating with militant groups abroad. But by revoking passports from would-be terrorists who are still here, could we be putting Canadians in danger? Brent asks Rex Brynen, McGill University professor and terrorism expert.