Was the Senate audit worth $23.6 million ?
This week's Auditor General report revealed nearly $1 million in alleged Senate misspending, but the two-year investigation cost $23.6 million. Was it worth it? Day 6 speaks to Auditor General Michael Ferguson, and moderates a debate on that question.

On Tuesday, Auditor General Michael Ferguson released his highly-anticipated report on the questionable spending habits of Canadian senators. It uncovered nearly $1 million in alleged misspending by 30 current and former senators - but the audit itself had a $23.6 million dollar price tag. Was it worth it? This week on Day 6, Brent speaks to Auditor General Michael Ferguson and convene a debate between parliamentary reporter Dale Smith and Aaron Wudrick, the federal director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. You can also read Dale Smith's editorial about the Senate audit on the Loonie Politics website.