Riffed From The Headlines

Riffed From The Headlines is our weekly quiz where we choose three riffs linked by one story in the news. Guess the story that links the riffs and you could win a Day 6 tote bag! You can listen to this week's clues and e-mail us your answer at day6@cbc.ca. Make sure to include your mailing address and put "Riffed From The Headlines" in the subject line.
Last week's clues were the Barenaked Ladies with "The other day I met a bear", "Too Hot" by The Specials and we started off with "The Swimming Song" by Kate and Anna McGariggle. The headline we were looking for was about the North Vancouver black bear taking a dip in a backyard pool. Our winner this week is Aubrey Harris from Toronto - congratulations Aubrey!
Inspired by our episode last week on the singing South African firefighters, Aubrey shared a video with us from his time playing for the "Team Canada for Australian Football" contingent that went to the 2005 International Cup in Australia. They played South Africa, and the teams sang and danced together after their games. You can see the full video below.