Getting out the vote, Obama-style

Toronto's Jane-Finch neighbourhood has one of the lowest voter turnout rates in Canada. Jamil Jivani the founder of #JaneAndFinchVotes wants to change that. To get local residents out to the polls, he's using community organizing principles often credited for sweeping U.S. President Barack Obama into office in 2008. But Jivani's not selling any particular candidate, just the value of a vote.
Brent talks to Jivani about why so many voters in this neighbourhood don't turn up on election day and what it will take to motivate them to cast a ballot.
Throughout this election we've been touching down in ridings across the country. Is there one issue in your riding that will influence how you cast your ballot? Email us at with "My Riding" in the subject line or tweet us @CBCDay6 using #myriding.