Being a Republican -- and a supporter of Planned Parenthood

A shooting last Friday at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs left three dead and nine wounded. And when 57-year-old Robert Lewis Dear was arrested at the scene of the shooting, witnesses reported that he said, quote "no more baby parts."
Planned Parenthood pointed to what they called "hateful rhetoric and smear campaigns" as part of the reason for the attack. And some critics point the finger at prominent Republicans for the spread of this rhetoric.

This week, Senate Republicans used their majority to approve a bill that would repeal federal funds for Planned Parenthood. President Barack Obama has vowed to veto it.
While the opposition to Planned Parenthood has long broken down on party lines, it's not universally so. Randy Moody follows the Republican Party's political strategy closely -- he's a Republican himself. But he thinks the strategy to come out swinging against Planned Parenthood is flawed. He's the co-chair and co-founder of Republicans for Planned Parenthood, and Brent's guest on Day 6 this week.