Would a law to stop Robert Pickton from profiting from his crimes pose a threat to free speech?
Brent talks to lawyer Benjamin Perrin and Canadian Civil Liberties Association program director Cara Zwibel about whether banning offenders from profiting from their crimes could pose a risk to freedom of expression.

Vancouver based lawyer Benjamin Perrin supports the implementation of a law to ban all criminals from profiting from their crimes while Canadian Civil Liberties Association program director Cara Zwibel argues that it could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression. They both join Brent to discuss their concerns around Robert Picton's book and the proposed law.
"This isn't so much about protecting Mr. Pickton as it is about protecting basic rights and freedoms that we all have."- Cara Zwibel
Widespread outrage was sparked when a book reportedly written by notorious serial killer Robert Pickton briefly appeared as a "hot new release" on Amazon's website. The book was swiftly removed and B.C. Premier Christy Clark announced plans to examine a law to ban all criminals from profiting from their crimes.