Here's what Donald Trump wants from Santa this year
Top Trump impersonator John Di Domenico delivers his version of the President-elect's letter to Santa.

Earlier this year, Trump impersonator John Di Domenico gave us a crash course on what it takes to be "The Donald."
For Christmas, we went back to him to find out what the president elect might have in his letter to Santa Claus.
Dear Santa, I have been an extra good boy this year. Tremendously good, exceptionally good. Presidentially good, believe me. And I have to tell you it wasn't easy. But I overcame a rigged system and - I - WON, big league. Santa, there is so much I deserve for Christmas. Where do I begin? I want to get rid of all those "Never Trump" Republicans. Stupid slogan by the way, "Never Trump", that's up there with "I'm with Hillary", no one was with Hillary. Bill wasn't with Hillary numerous times, if you know what I mean. Also, let's set up an unfortunate weight lifting accident for Paul Ryan. He is so smug. Santa, I want out of the intelligence briefings. It's cutting into my tweeting and touring schedule. Yes, I know there is a war in Aleppo, I get it. Tell me when it's over. I would like the wall built Santa. If your magical elves are legal let's get them on it ASAP. Please get Mitt Romney something nice. I know he's been a bad boy, but he's been through a lot. Most of it by me, frankly. I really shredded that Mormon loser. How funny was that when he thought I was going to make him Secretary of State? Let's see what else...oh yeah, I want former president Obama's birth certificate under glass and framed. Legal question Santa: can we find a way to make Ivanka first lady? I think you can make that happen. Eric wants a hippopotamus for Christmas. He didn't bag one on his last big game hunt which is hard to believe since they put it RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Major disappointment. Donald Jr. wants, well he wants to make me happy. Good kid. Good kid. By the way I have to say, that kid that said he saw his mommy kissing you? I just gotta say, great move. You're putting your fame to good use. Tremendous. As usual, please leave all presents at Trump Tower, and also please note security is extra tight and the cops have been told to shoot on sight. Also build in some extra time, we've shut down 5th Avenue down, terrific traffic jams (Tiffany's is so pissed). Merry Christmas! (and honestly, Santa, you should lose some weight, you look terrible). Signed, Donnie Trump P.S: Make sure if you reply to me, it's President Trump from here on out - even after I'm out of office (which will never happen).