Move over Comey: These imaginary political tell-alls put A Higher Loyalty to shame
Day 6 satire columnist conjures up books about Jagmeet Singh, Vladimir Putin and Theresa May

Earlier this week, former FBI director James Comey published his new book, A Higher Loyalty. The book is stuffed with awkward revelations about his interactions with U.S. President Donald Trump.
The team at Day 6 wanted to know what other bombshell books might be coming in 2018. So we asked our resident satire writer Aaron Hagey-MacKay to track down an industry insider who could give us the scoop.
He found just the guy in Randall Saint-Karl, who works at the publishing company Vox Nauseum.
"Hello. I'm Randall Saint-Karl from Vox Nauseam: the first publisher to deal exclusively in salacious tell-all books.

Want the latest dirt on NDP leader Jagmeet Singh? Pick up a copy of I Ain't Trust That Turban Guy, What's His Name?, the first book written by your racist uncle Dave.
Ever wonder why Justin Trudeau is so afraid of crosses and mirrors? Read Tru-Blood: Inside the Prime Minister's Vampire Cabal Sucking the Life of Our Economy and Also Children Probably.
Speaking of children, how did Andrew Scheer get those adorable dimples? We expose the Conservative leader in Trench Coat Diaries: How Andrew Scheer is Actually Just Two Kids Stacked on Top of Each Other. They just wanted to see an R-rated movie and things got way out of hand!
But that's just Canada. We have world leaders too!
Read the book even the British press is calling "a huge invasion of privacy" with our best seller, A Year's Worth of Hidden Camera Images from 10 Downing St: How We Saw Theresa May Eating Out of the Garbage Once and a Bunch of Other Gross Stuff.

Or let us take you into the heart of Russia's corrupt empire in Putin's Deathsquads. This book has had 73 journalists write on it, all of whom have mysteriously passed away in unrelated accidents. We hope to have the first chapter done next month.
And finally, go behind North Korea's iron curtain in our sponsored content blockbuster: Kim Jong-Unbelievably Incredible Man: How the Great Leader is a Divine Super Being.
Read 100 per cent true tales from his childhood, like how he independently invented calculus at age six, and dunked on Michael Jordan 50 times at age 10.
But more importantly, if anyone from the Trump administration has a book they want to sell, please, I'm begging you, call me!"
Aaron Hagey-MacKay is a freelance comedy writer and our resident Day 6 satire columnist. To hear more from him, download our podcast or click the Listen button at the top of this page.