Stories from Afghanistan

Today on DNTO we're taking to you about a complex country halfway around the world, Afghanistan.
It's a place most of us think of as a theatre of war. After all, more than 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces members served there between 2001 and 2014.
While Canada's mission there is over, the place still has a powerful pull on many people.
On this week's show, we'll hear from veterans still recovering from physical and psychological wounds from their time there. We'll meet a young woman who's made equality for women in Afghanistan her life's work and another woman who fled the country and is determined to return.
Another person who returned to Afghanistan is filmmaker Paul Gross. His feature movie, Hyena Road is playing in theatres across Canada.
And former Canadian sniper Jody Mitic has written a bestselling memoir called Unflinching: The Making of a Canadian Sniper about his experience in Afghanistan.