Beyond the dimples: A profile of Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer
Jayme Poisson speaks to Maclean's Ottawa bureau chief John Geddes about Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer.

He's called, "the smiling Stephen Harper," and he's known for his knack of bringing people together. But beyond his dimples, what do you really know about Andrew Scheer?
Today, with the federal election fast approaching, we talk to Maclean's Ottawa bureau chief, John Geddes about the leader of the Conservative Party. We'll get insight into how he became such a unifier (hint: his favourite book is the self-help classic How to Win Friends and Influence People) and how that squares with his more divisive moments, such as his hardline stance on the United Nations migration pact.
This is the first in a series of pre-election profiles we'll do about Canada's federal party leaders.
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