Consent to Harm, Part 1

When it comes to risk of bodily harm, what we are allowed to consent to is fraught territory. The general rule of thumb is that it's okay if a person exposes themselves to risk for a greater social good. But where does a society draw the line? IDEAS producer Nicola Luksic visits a boxing club and a body modification artist to ask how much agency we truly have over our own bodies. Part 2 airs Tuesday, June 7. **This episode originally aired January 13, 2015
Guests (in order of appearance):
Marianna Zafiroudis, Peter Wylie and Johnny Kalbehnn -- Marianna Zafiroudis is a 26-year-old up and coming amateur boxer who trains out of the Cabbagetown Boxing Club in Toronto. Her coach Peter Wyley trained more than 50 Canadian boxers who've competed at the international level, including Johnny Kalbehnn who was on Canada's Olympic team in 1984.
Bruce Kidd -- is a former Olympic runner. He's professor of kinesiology as well as VP and Principal of the University of Toronto Scarborough.
Brenda Cossman -- is a professor of law and director of the Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto.
Fabien Madeleine -- Fabien has been a tattoo artist for more than 20 years and he's the owner of Malefic Tattoos in Mississauga, Ontario. Check out a GALLERY of his work.
Six - Six is a piercing and body modification artist in Toronto. Check out a GALLERY of his work.
Vera Bergelson -- She is a professor of law at Rutgers University and has written extensively on consent and criminal law.