Decolonization: The Next 150 on Indigenous Lands

Canada's celebration of its 150th birthday has provoked a lot of mixed feelings. When Canada was created, the government was committed to eradicating the First Nations people who occupied the land for thousands of years—a fact we now acknowledge but have barely begun to reckon with.
Every year thousands of academics from across the country gather for the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. It's the largest annual gathering of scholars in Canada.
This year Congress was hosted by Ryerson University with the theme "The Next 150 on Indigenous Lands."
With that in mind, we invited three emerging Indigenous PhD students to talk about their work and what they could imagine possible in the next 150 years. Réal Carrière (Ryerson University), Keri Cheechoo (University of Ottawa) and Cherry Smiley (Concordia University) shared their insights.
The public forum was moderated by Tom Howell and Nicola Luksic as part of our series Ideas from the Trenches, where we showcase the outstanding work of PhD students across the country.

"Indigenous people have been resisting colonialism since it began. It's been the Oka warriors, Big Bear and all the way back to the beginning. When Indigenous people have to stand up in their own country and say "you're breaking our laws," this should show Canadians that there's something wrong here." – Réal Carrière

"Decolonizing is going to hurt. It's not going to be easy. It means things are going to have to change. And it means we're going to have to give some things up. Some of us more than others. And I think people aren't ready for that yet….We're not going to get there overnight… but at my core I believe it's possible to change the world. If I didn't truly believe that, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing." – Cherry Smiley