Fragile Freedoms - Vandana Shiva

Physicist Vandana Shiva has become one of the world's leading environmental thinkers. In a lecture presented at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, she explores how "earth rights" are human rights. From the lecture series Fragile Freedoms: the Global Struggle for Human Rights.
Vandana Shiva is an environmental activist based in Dehradun, India, but her work is world-wide. She's part of an effort to place the Universal Declaration of Human Rights within something larger - a declaration of rights for the entire planet earth.
Vandana Shiva has written more than twenty books on ecology and environmentalism. She started the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, which led to the creation of Navdanya, a movement to protect biodiversity in India. That movement later helped create seed banks and also promote organic farming. In 2004 Dr Shiva started an internattional college for sustainable living, in the Doon Valley in India. For three decades she has been a steadfast critic of industrial agriculture, of globalization, and of bioengineering.
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