Who Owns Ancient Art? Part 1

When the Taliban and ISIS destroy ancient artifacts, the world responds with outrage. But where should that outrage lead: taking ancient art out of the country of origin? Or would that amount to what some have called neo-colonialism and cultural genocide? Just who owns ancient art? That's the central question that Paul Kennedy explores in this two-part series, produced by contributor Anik See. Part 2 airs Friday, November 27. **This episode originally aired June 12, 2015.
Participants in the program:
Jonathan Tokeley-Parry, antiquities restorer and former smuggler of ancient Egyptian artifacts
Matthew Bogdanos, Colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, and assistant District Attorney in Manhattan
Reading List:
Rescuing the Past: The Cultural Heritage Crusade by Jonathan Tokeley-Parry, published by Imprint Academic, 2006.
Thieves of Baghdad: One Marine's Passion to Recover the World's Greatest Stolen Treasures by Matthew Bogdanos, published by Bloomsbury Press Agency, 2006.
Anik See is a Canadian writer and radio producer living in The Netherlands. She has published three books, and has contributed to many publications and magazines, such as National Geographic, The Walrus, Brick, Geist, The National Post, and Toronto Life. She produced last year's Ideas program on rewilding and has produced other award-winning radio for Radio Netherlands Worldwide, ABC, the CBC and Monocle.