Going on a crash-course in 'Native 101'

What exactly does it mean to be a 'good indian'? Adam Beach's character tried to answer that question in the 1998 cult classic Smoke Signals.
For many, there's an expectation - some would say, a stereotype - that if you are aboriginal you must have a deep connection to the land. But is that really the case?
Asivak and Mahiigan Koostachin are self-described 'urbanized Cree teenagers' living in Toronto. And their Mom, filmmaker Jules Koostachin raised them with traditional values in mind. But Asivak and Mahiigan are the first to admit that they don't know much about what they call 'native stuff'.
Inspired by their great grandfather - an Okimaw - they hit the road and got out of the city to learn traditional skills... and documented it all in a documentary series called AskiBoyz. Watch the trailer below and click the 'listen' button above to hear their thoughts on what it means to be a proud aboriginal man in 2015.