5 things you didn't know about Anna Maria Tremonti

As we say goodbye to the first edition of our Now or Never list, we decided to take it out for one last spin with none other than Anna Maria Tremonti, host of The Current.
Anna Maria has a reputation as a no-nonsense journalist who has covered stories across Canada and around the world. But did you know that she also loves reality television like Wife Swap?
Designed to nudge you into action and get you thinking, the Now or Never list can often uncover some surprising facts about people — and Anna Maria was no exception. Here are five things she revealed to hosts Trevor Dineen and Ify Chiwetelu:
She's addicted to sugar
"That's an addiction, but it's a habit too. I'm a sugar person. Chocolate. Although if you get the dark chocolate apparently you're still allowed. Sugar, that would be my habit."
After her mother died, she found strength in her co-workers
"It's the fifth year anniversary of my mother's death. So I thanked some people in the office today. I got the call, I was in the office after the show, and everybody was just kind of like: 'OK, take this, go here, do that, you've gotta leave town.' And so, my colleagues were amazing that day."

If she could learn any instrument this year, it'd be the fiddle
"Part of me would like to learn to play the fiddle."
TD: "Why the fiddle?"
"I don't know! I used to play the piano but I was very bad at it."
She loves 'trashy' reality television
"There used to be a show on ABC called Wife Swap. [It's] kind of old now, I loved that. I was such a voyeur, right? So those kind of reality shows where you're looking and going: 'Seriously, don't those people know they have five cameras on them?' I can get very caught up in them."
"I can spend a little bit of time with Super Nanny, Honey Boo Boo. You know the beauty of trash television is: it's real people. Some of it is people trying to make themselves something that they're not, but it's also a window into the world."
She wants to get back together with her high school gang
"We don't see each other much any more. It was a crew — they all went different places. There's a few people that you can kind of keep in touch with but over time everybody gets busy. You don't get to see people. So it'd be kind of fun to get caught up... and gossip! Just gossip."
This interview has been slightly edited for length and clarity. To hear Anna Maria do the Now or Never List, click the 'listen' button above.