5 questions to get yourself out of a rut, from boxing coach Savoy Howe

It's hard to stay stuck in a rut when you're around Savoy Howe.
As head coach and owner of the Toronto Newsgirls Boxing Club, she's constantly motivating others. She works mainly with women and trans people, and runs a free boxing program for survivors of violence.
Howe learned many of her techniques from writer, educator and internationally-renowned inclusion advocate Judith Snow. Snow was quadriplegic. Before her death in 2015, she travelled all over North America inspiring people with different abilities.
Howe, as Snow's personal attendant for 16 years, often travelled with her.
"I got to witness her inspiring people … to teach them how to dream big about best-case scenarios so they could be part of community."
One technique Howe adopted is something she calls "The Path." She calls it a "goal-setting adventure."
With it, she's helped hundreds of people to get out of a rut and dream big. "When you're stuck in scarcity thinking," she told Now or Never hosts Trevor Dineen and Ify Chiwetelu, "It's hard to imagine you could own a condo or travel a lot when you can hardly pay your phone bill."
Here are five questions Savoy Howe asks people who are stuck in a rut or at a personal crossroads:
1. What are five of your passions?
2. If you could invent a new job in which you get paid to do the things you're passionate about, what would it be?
3. What would one first step be?
4. Who can you recruit to help you?
5. Imagine it's one year from now. Tell me all the great things that have happened.
Hear our interview with Savoy Howe by clicking the listen button above.