Having trouble making friends? Here's some expert advice from kids
When you're a kid, making friends can seem so simple. Ify Chiwetelu spoke to a group of young students and got their very best tips on new making friends.
Early years students share their friendship-making secrets
When you're a kid, making friends can seem so simple.
But somewhere on that road between playing make-believe and making mortgage payments, we lose the ability to simply approach someone and strike up a friendship.
So why not get some advice from the experts? Now or Never host Ify Chiwetelu spoke to a group of young students at Earl Grey School in Winnipeg and asked them to share their very best tips on new making friends.
What is the secret to making friends?

How do you make somebody become your friend?

If you had to give one piece of advice to an adult struggling to make friends, what would it be?

What is the perfect number of friends to have?

You heard 'em. Now get out there and make some friends!