'It's been life-changing': Finding connection through community
There is a power in finding your community, to help you get through life's challenges

On this episode of Now or Never, meet people who have found community, and the power that comes with it.
When Nancy Gajdosik turned 80 a few weeks ago, she was prepared for a low-key, solo celebration. But people in her Winnipeg neighbourhood had a different idea.
Sarah Keast, Alexie Landry, Janice Tsao, and Shannon Culver were total strangers - until an unexpected tragedy in each of their lives threw them together. How the "Young Widows Club" helps them cope with grief, stigma, and isolation - and say the things out loud they could never say anywhere else.
When Viv (last name withheld) shared how memories of residential school continue to keep her up at night, Now or Never listeners reached out to help her get a good night's sleep.
Mohammed Hussein recently immigrated from Kuwait, and landed in Winnipeg without any friends or family. After months of being too scared to leave his apartment, he walked into the closest place he could find - and found friendship and community in a space he never expected.
When Julie Rohr was nearing the end of her life - after living with cancer for six years - her friend Hannah Hamilton requested a few messages of support. That snowballed into a viral Internet campaign that brought celebrities and strangers together to comfort Julie in her final days.