Vanessa: Raising a child with special needs

"Life is hard to do alone and I've felt so lonely." - Vanessa
Vanessa's daily life is difficult. Between coping with the demands of work and raising a daughter with special needs, Vanessa is falling into old patterns of negative thinking and self-silencing. But can she learn to break those patterns by recognising and releasing the feelings of loneliness and neglect she held as a child?
Listen for:
Hillary encourages Vanessa to feel the complexity of multiple feelings at once. Humans can and do experience many emotions at the same time, and that's okay.
How hard it is for Vanessa to take in compliments and love because of a defence she has used to get her through times when others haven't been there for her. Hillary asks Vanessa to practice receiving affection; it's a skill that needs to be exercised just like any other.
How to praise kids so they feel understood and valued for their work and effort, rather than the outcome.
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