
It's one thing to feel left out and excluded from opportunities. But what happens when you're officially cut out or cut off? Piya will speak with people who've been blacklisted... from an athlete banned from playing football because he was caught doping, to the parents of an eight-year-old on Canada's "no fly list".
Here are the stories from this week's episode...
What it's like being a registered sex offender in Canada: 'For me it's a sickness'
"Louis" sexually abused four children. That landed him on Canada's National Sex Offender Registry for life. He speaks with Piya about the blessing and curse of his particular blacklisting. On one hand, "Louis" sees value in being on the registry to keep himself and others safe. On the other, he sees it as a roadblock to forming positive social bonds and reforming his life.
'I was blocked by the President of the United States on Twitter'
Three Americans from different backgrounds talk about their experiences being blocked by U.S. President Donald Trump on Twitter... and why they think it's more than a laughing matter.
Court-imposed 'red zones' separate vulnerable people from social services, say outreach workers
When Mary Howlett was released from jail a few years ago following a drug charge, a court prohibited her from returning to her neighbourhood. For Mary, that meant being cut off from her homeless shelter, methadone clinic and welfare office. Out In The Open producer Sam Colbert shares her story and reveals how people are being "red zoned" from specific city blocks across Canada.
Football player speaks up after the Waterloo steroid scandal that cost him his dream
In 2010, Matt Socholotiuk became known as the first athlete in North America to be caught using Human Growth Hormone (HGH). He speaks with Piya about getting banned from playing football as a result of the scandal, which ultimately cost Matt his dream of playing in the Canadian Football League.
Two parents fight to remove their child's name from Canada's 'no-fly list'
Sulemaan Ahmed and Khadija Cajee tell Piya how they discovered their eight-year-old son is on Canada's so-called "no-fly list". Despite the obvious inconveniences this causes them at the airport, they fear for his future safety and going down the same road as Maher Arar.
She might be blacklisted from Iran, but not knowing for certain is what causes the most pain
Ava Homa is an Iranian woman who says she's living in exile in Canada. For her, there are definite signs it isn't safe to return to her homeland, but she says her exile might be easier if there was a list she could actually see.
This episode originally aired on September 10, 2017.