In the fallout of the 'M-bomb'

Shane Rempel was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis a year ago.
Since then, he has struggled to come to terms with a disease that affects each person differently with no clear timeline.
MS affects Shane's vision, making it hard for him to avoid constant reminders of his disease.
In the last year, Shane has felt emotionally immobilized by the future of his disease, even though it does not currently hamper his mobility.
"For me, the mystery of not knowing what my health will be like a year, five years, 10 years, a month from now, is something that's very hard to's constantly in the back of my mind."

Daneil Miller, on the other hand, has been living with MS for 14 years and has tried to embrace his illness.
He began running, learned to swim, and participated in triathlons.
"I was afraid I was going to lose the ability to walk so I learned how to run."
He is no longer able to partake in such demanding physical activities, but he has directed his efforts toward learning hobbies he can do if he has to be in a wheelchair, such as painting.
Daneil now speaks publicly with groups of people who have been newly diagnosed and tells them his story.
This story originally aired on March 12, 2017. It appears in the Out in the Open episode "Invisible Illness".