'I can't believe your wife let you take time off'

If you go searching for a place where moms and babies can hang out together, you'll find a huge array of programs and classes.
If you're a dad with a baby or toddler? Not so much.
Deric Varcoe is used to being the only dad in a class of moms and their babies.
"It's kind of awkward at first," he said.
"A lot of the stuff you can't really relate to … there's a lot of complaining about husbands, or breastfeeding."
When Deric's son Frederick was born, he and his wife ended up sharing their parental leave. He's still home with Frederick, who's now 15-months-old.
Deric thinks one of the biggest stigmas around dads is that they're not encouraged to take paternity leave the way moms are.
"[People think] I took time away from my wife, like in a huge way, because that's not what you do ... It's that I cheated her out of time," he said.
Now, Deric's getting ready to go back to work, and his wife will stay home with their son while she looks for a new job.
"Now that she's home, I get the, 'Well at least she gets to make up the time that you took'," he said.
"Yeah, it kind of sucks."