What Does Colten Boushie Say About Us?
In August 2016, a 22-year-old Indigenous man named Colten Boushie was shot and killed on a farm in rural Saskatchewan. Farmer Gerald Stanley has been charged with second degree murder in the case. He's pleaded not guilty. Boushie's death has resurfaced divisions in the community and shone a light on racism Indigenous people continue to face across Canada. Piya sits down for an exclusive interview with Boushie's family, and explores what the case says about all Canadians.

This episode originally aired on January 8, 2017.
In August 2016, a 22-year-old Indigenous man named Colten Boushie was shot and killed on a farm in rural Saskatchewan. Farmer Gerald Stanley has been charged with second degree murder in the case. He's pleaded not guilty. Boushie's death has resurfaced divisions in the community and shone a light on racism Indigenous people continue to face across Canada. Piya sits down for an exclusive interview with Boushie's family, and explores what the case says about all Canadians.