Personal Best

How to be (a little) less awkward with strangers

Two stories: It’s tragic when you can’t communicate to those closest to you. For Manu, it’s his local Shoppers Drug Mart clerk. Also, Jan is overwhelmed by menus.
Manu wants to have a non-awkward conversation with his local Shoppers Drug Mart clerk. (Jesse Louttit/CBC)

"That's my goal — just to be a normal, non-awkward dude at the grocery store." — Manu

Two stories. It's tragic when you can't communicate to those closest to you. For Manu, it's his local Shoppers Drug Mart clerk.  Also, Jan has climbed Machu Picchu, snorkeled the great barrier reef and faced down a family of baboons. But one thing instills fear into her heart — menus

Listen for: Exactly which dish is on page 3, item 15 in the Pickle Barrel menu.

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