6 saucy podcasts on Shakespeare

This week we're sharing one of our fave episodes from July 2016.
William Shakespeare is perhaps the most prolific, controversial, and creative writer in English history. But, as popular as he is it's still surprising just how many podcasts there are about the Bard. Perhaps our ongoing fascination with him is because his work is still being explored and interpreted in fresh ways. Though it's been over four hundred years since Shakespeare's death - his work is still surprising!
For example: what do Helen Keller, Sigmund Freud and Malcolm X have in common? They all believed Shakespeare was a FRAUD. We'll learn more in the podcast Our Fake History.
Then the answer to the age old question: "If you could create a fantasy baseball team out of Shakespeare's most famous characters, who would you choose?" The podcast No Holds Bard offers a heated debate.

1. Shakespeare Unlimited
"[It's] the only place where you could discuss a woman having power... you put it up on stage and it makes it fine and acceptable." — Holly Twyford, on Actresses on Shakespeare
In Shakespeare's time, only men appeared on stage. Now hear from well known actresses talk about today's gender reversal of roles.
2. Studio 360
"In terms of going to see a Shakespeare play, [knowing the original pronunciation] completely turns everything on it's head." — Ben Crystal, on Olivier Had it Wrong: Shakespeare's Original Pronunciation
Every Shakespeare play you've heard is wrong. Listen to a recreation of what a Shakespeare play probably sounded like over 400 years ago.
3. Our Fake History
"The other main candidate for the authorship of the plays is Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford." — Sebastian Major, on Did Shakespeare Write the Plays?
What do Helen Keller, Sigmund Freud, Mark Twain and Malcolm X have in common? They all believed Shakespeare was a fraud, and this podcast explains why.
4. Denzel Washington Is The Greatest Actor Of All Time Period
"It's post Malcolm X and the moment he's on screen you're like, 'It's Denzel!'" — W. Kamau Bell, on Much Ado About Nothing
Two-time Grammy winner, Corey Glover, recalls what it's like to watch the first Shakespeare movie cast in a "race neutral" manner.
5. Kind World
"King Lear, all through the play, is described as mad. I thought, 'I don't think he's mad. I think he's grieving.'" — Barb Cone, on That Way Madness Lies
What might have been a typical production of King Lear ended up having tremendous significance to one woman in the audience.
6. No Holds Bard
"I think this could be a good chance for people who don't like baseball, to get to know baseball through a Shakespearean lens... as they should." — Dan Beaulieu, on Shakespeare League Baseball
Podcast hosts, Dan and Kevin, choose their fantasy baseball team out of characters from Shakespeare's canon.
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