Author and actress Mara Wilson shares her favourite podcasts

Did you know that there's a Faceless Old Woman secretly living in your home? It may explain your recent Bing search history of "pictures of dead wolves" or "the melting point of birds" – but she means no harm. You can hear about her antics on Welcome to Night Vale, a podcast that features a fictional radio host who gives community updates about a strange and magical town called Night Vale.
The Faceless Old Woman is a recurring character played by none other than Mara Wilson, who you may remember best as Matilda. As an actress, voice-over artist and writer, Mara leads a very interesting life and has always put storytelling at the forefront. We're happy to have her this week as a guest curator. You can find her picks below.
Podcasts featured this week:

Welcome to Night Vale – "There is a faceless old woman secretly living in your home, and she has something she needs to say."
You Must Remember This – This podcast explores the murders that took place during the summer of 1969 by followers of American criminal and cult leader, Charles Manson, as well as the Hollywood music and movie scene surrounding the killings.
The Mortified Podcast – "Adults share their most embarrassing childhood artifacts (journals, letters, poems, lyrics, plays, home movies, art) with others, in order to reveal stories about their lives."
99% Invisible – Host Roman Mars details the strange story of a secret iceberg ship in Alberta.
Punch Up The Jam – Andrew Ti (Yo, Is This Racist?) drops in to help hosts Miel and Demi tackle sexism and racism in the king of butt songs, Sir Mix-a-Lot's "Baby Got Back."
Mara had so many great picks - we couldn't fit them all into one episode. Below are some amazing bonus podcasts:
The Dream
I Don't Even Own a Television
Sounds Like MLM But OK
The Gateway
The Dollop
Behind the Bastards
Lie, Cheat, and Steal
Conversations With People Who Hate Me
What podcasts would make your list? Email, tweet us @PodcastPlaylist, or find us on Facebook.
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