Banish your boredom with these brilliant podcasts
For all that free time you might need to fill

We're revisiting one of our favourite episodes from last year. Originally aired July 18th and 21st, 2020.
In this episode of By The Book, Jolenta Greenberg and Kristen Meinzer discover, to their horror, that they both spend more than three hours a day on their phones.
I can relate to that feeling. I haven't used an app to time my daily usage but I'm sure if I did, I wouldn't like the number. Smartphone addiction is a real dilemma in our modern world, where one often feels under pressure to be up-to-date with everything happening in the culture. Before you know it, you're absentmindedly closing and then immediately re-opening the Twitter app because you don't know what else to do with your thumbs.
While Greenberg and Meinzer's attempts to curtail their phone habits have mixed results, it's at least reassuring to know that one day, with enough effort, I might be rid of this cursed but oh-so-essential device. Just let me send one quick email first.
— Julain Uzielli, Producer, Podcast Playlist

From Manoush: The Opportunity Of Boredom: "With many of us stuck at home right now, it's natural to feel bored and listless. But our new host Manoush Zomorodi is kind of an expert in boredom — she wrote a book and gave a TED Talk on the topic — and she says it doesn't have to be so bad. In 2018, Guy Raz interviewed Manoush for our episode Attention Please. Listen to why we might actually need to feel bored in order to jump-start our creativity."
By the Book: "Welcome to season two of By the Book! Jolenta and Kristen are kicking things off with the new book Bored and Brilliant, by Manoush Zomorodi. Join the ladies as they delete their favorite apps, commute without their phones, and even watch a pot of water boil - all in the hopes of discovering whether disconnecting from their phones can spark brilliant ideas."
Family Matters: "It is not our job to entertain our children. Repeat, it is not our job to entertain our children. Many parents are feeling the pressure to pull off the perfect summer but parenting expert Alyson Schafer says we need to let go of the guilt and instead, help our children learn the skill of self-entertainment."
Reply All: "Thomas Oscar is an Australian teenager who tried to make the most boring Facebook group possible - a group where members pretend to be corporate drones in a non-existent office."
Sit There & Do Nothing: "Attractive? Magnetic? That's right you are! Through a series of weirdly soothing affirmations, you'll become more likable in just a few short minutes. Sit back and do nothing as Meg reads a series of calming, extremely true sentences that will help you gain the admiration of those around you. Listen along and soak up these statements during this special affirmation episode."
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