Best new podcasts: get back to work edition

Podcasts featured this week:

Full Canadian Broadcast Version:
1. 30 For 30
This episode of the newest podcast series from ESPN dives into the world of high stakes gambling, and what happens when a casino underestimates a mysterious client. Full episode link.

2. The Nod
The overlooked history of Black fashion designers. Full episode link.
Plus, an interview with hosts Brittany Luse and Eric Eddings.

After 26 seasons of The Jerry Springer Show, the man himself, host Jerry Springer, has some stories worth sharing. Full episode link.

4. It's Been A Minute With Sam Sanders
Are millennials ruining the beer industry? A great conversation about the ways in which the media blames young people for the ills of society. Full episode link.

A listener asks a question about body shaming. Full episode link.

Michael Kantor speaks with playwright and Pulitzer Prize-winner Suzan-Lori Parks. Full episode link.

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