Episode 24: Let's get reel
Lights, Camera, Action! This week on Podcast Playlist, the stories behind the stories on the silver screen.
From Hollywood conspiracy theories to a podcast dedicated to the work of one actor: Denzel Washington. This show is all about the film industry.

Here's what you can look forward to in this week's show:
You Must Remember This
"He became not just a charismatic hero. But a total sex symbol." Karina Longworth, on You Must Remember This
- From You Must Remember This, the story of the mysterious death of Bruce Lee and 20 years later, his son Brandon. The loss of these actors sparked conspiracy theories and legends about a family curse. You can listen to the full episode, here.
KCRW's The Business
"We end up being therapists a lot of the time. The actors really open up during the session." Stephanie Girard, on KCRW's The Business
- In most industries being asked to submit one photo that would represent you to every future employer would seem unfair, and frankly a little creepy. But, in tinseltown the head shot is every actor's calling card. KCRW's The Business takes a look at how headshots have evolved since the digital age. You can listen to the full episode, here.
Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time PERIOD
"He cleared his slate for a year to prepare. He devoted himself." — Spike Lee, on DWITGAOATP
- The title of this podcast pretty much says it all. In Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time PERIOD Kevin Avery and W. Kamau Bell discuss the life and career of legendary actor Denzel Washington. In this episode, iconic director Spike Lee goes behind the scenes of working with Denzel. Plus, when you're Spike Lee, you have license to call Mr. Washington "D." Very cool. Listen to the full episode here.
I Was There Too
"Well, Spielberg came down and asked all of us out. And we all said, 'No.' " — P.J. Soles on I Was There Too
- From huge stars like Denzel, to actors that you might not know by name but who definitely shaped the films they acted in. This episode of I Was There Too listeners get stories from the set of Carrie, Halloween and Stripes from actress P.J. Soles. There's even some vintage gossip about Steven Spielberg. You can listen to the full episode here.
"It's not just that it's a bad accent. It's a movie destroying accent." - J.M. McNab, on Rewatchability
- Some films you watch again and again. While others have to face their destiny as a '1-star' on Netflix. Toronto based podcast Rewatchability can help you tell the difference. Hosts J.M. McNab, Rob Laronde and Blain Watters revisit films from the past and decide if the warm veil of nostalgia has us confused about how good they actually were. In this episode they sink their teeth into Bram Stoker's Dracula. Listen to the full episode here.
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