So long, farewell: Podcasts about saying goodbye

When you think about world records for breath holding, it's likely illusionist Harry Houdini who comes to mind. Houdini could hold his breath for four minutes and for most of the 20th century that was thought to be the longest humans could hold without getting brain damage. But in 2018, four minutes is kid stuff.
In a piece from the New York Times podcast Change Agent reporter Annie Brown introduces us to Kirk Krack. Based in Vancouver Island, Krack trains free divers to hold their breath for longer than you might think is even possible. On one natural breath so far people have been able to hold their breath for 11 minutes. But, he thinks eventually we can go even longer.
This piece really got my imagination turning. But, it's also a deeply personal piece about what breath holding means to reporter Annie Brown. It makes for very compelling listening, and that's why it's my pick of the week.
- Kate Evans, Producer, Podcast Playlist
Podcasts featured this week:

- Change Agent - For most of the 20th century it was thought humans could only hold their breath for four minutes. The current world record for breath holding is around 19 minutes. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Invisibilia - Can thrill-seeking help us process loss? Host Hanna Rosin's 74-year-old mother Miriam decides the only way to get over her husband's death is to jump out of an airplane. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Love Me - A mother has to figure out how to distance herself from her misbehaving son. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Finding Cleo - Taken by child welfare workers in the 1970's and adopted in the U.S., Cleo's family says she was stolen, raped and murdered while trying to hitchhike back home to Saskatchewan. Host Connie Walker joins their search. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- The Beginning of the End - Jeremy Brock became a high school history teacher to make a difference in students' lives. But after five years of teaching, Jeremy starts to doubt whether he can be the change he wants to see. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- The Tell Show - Following his mother's death, Saeed Jones took a trip to Spain to help him cope with his grief. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Beautiful Stories From Anonymous People - On this podcast, comedian Chris Gethard spends an hour on the phone with anonymous callers. In this episode, Chris' conversation takes a surprising turn. Click here to listen to the full episode.
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