Tasteful podcasts about snacks

Six podcasts about snacks.

1. The Slow Melt
"It's proven that the color of the plate, the different material of the cutlery, the lighting in the room, all of these things will change the flavor of something." — Condiment Junkie's Russell Jones.
It is scientifically proven that how we taste food goes beyond our palete. Russell Jones explains how we can tap into our other senses to enjoy chocolate even more.

2. Futility Closet
"The nickle to us had some purchasing power. You could get your ice cream, bottle of pop or a chocolate bar."— Parker Williams, a student who went on strike in the face of a candy price hike.
In 1947 a group of kids would not stand for a price hike on candy bars in British Columbia. Instead they decided to go on strike!

3. Just Chips Dot Com
"I'm always into chips, I have like 16 different kinds, once it gets down to the bottom of five or six bags I'll throw them all in and have a little party." — Donnie Dumphy storyteller, time haver, and chip connoiseur
Hosts Zoe and Sophia sit down with singer Alan Doyle and interview Donnie Dumphrey about "havin' a time," and, of course, chips.

4. Whatever Happened to Pizza at McDonalds?
"Did someone tell you not to talk to me about pizza at McDonalds?" — Brian Thompson
A satirical podcast investigating this very important question: Whatever happened to pizza at McDonalds?
Plus: An interview with Brian Thompson about how his "very stupid podcast" tapped into a cult phenomenon.

5. Distillations
"Processed food is a very different beast to the kind of food you make in your home. The fact is processed food... always has to taste the same" — Host Michal Meyer.
How exactly did the chicken become a nugget? Hosts Michal Meyer and and Robert Kenworthy speak with historian Bryant Simon and sociologist David Schleifer to know more about the history and health facts of these bite size snacks.

6. The Sporkful
"He [my boyfriend] might decide to just eat a granola bar sitting on the couch, which to me is absurd. A granola bar for me is like a portable food item." — Marisa on The Sporkful
Is there a difference between portable snacks and sedentary snacks? Or is one of the pleasures of adulthood living without rules? Marisa and her boyfriend Alex can't agree.

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