The generation gap

At some point in your life you've probably heard this from an older someone: "When I was your age, I had to walk fifteen miles to school in the snow! Barefoot! Uphill! Both ways!" It's common for adults to tell kids how easy they have it. But if you were a kid that experienced a "Potato Break" in New Brunswick, you definitely know something about hard work. That's one of the topics of this episode of the fantastic podcast The Secret Life of Canada (for this episode they released translated and bilingual versions).
Each week hosts Leah Simone Bowen and Falen Johnson explore stories from Canada's history that you've probably never heard or know little about. The show is well produced, entertaining and bound to stoke your curiosity about the complexities of Canadian history. That's why The Secret Life of Canada is my pick of the week.
- Kate Evans, Producer, Podcast Playlist
Podcasts featured this week:

- The Sporkful - A daughter struggles to explain to her mother why she eats in solidarity with her Indian husband. Click here to listen the full episode.
- The Secret Life of Canada - How would we get anything done if not for New Brunswick? Visit the country's only bilingual province and learn about generations of migrant workers. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Ted Radio Hour - Entrepreneur Lakshmi Pratury reflects on the dozens of letters she received from her father, while he was alive, and on the painstaking time it takes to pen a letter. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Reasonably Sound - Mike recounts why we stopped yelling in concert halls and started politely clapping at the end of long performances. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Nancy - Host Kathy Tu shares a conversation with her mom. Kathy tried coming out to her Mom twice. This episode shares her third attempt. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Second Wave - Thanh has always wondered what life would have been like for her if her parents never left Vietnam. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- The Hilarious World of Depression - Comedian and actor Paul F. Tompkins discusses growing up in a home where his parents likely struggled with undiagnosed and untreated depression. Click here to listen to the full episode.
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