Unforgettable podcasts about the summertime

This week, a saga that really has it all: An FBI investigation, selling it all to buy an engagement ring, and neon green 80s wine coolers. These are just a few of the components of the truly bizarre history behind the classic rhythm and blues anthem Louie, Louie. It comes to us from Lost Notes, an incredible new podcast from KCRW. This show has so much personality, and it accomplishes exactly what it set out to do. As an eight part series it shares stories from some of the "greatest music stories never told." I could tell you more, but some of these tales are so wild and weird (in the best way) you might not believe me. Just listen.
- Kate Evans, Producer, Podcast Playlist
Podcasts featured this week:

- Lost Notes - An FBI Investigation, an engagement ring, wine coolers... the surprising story behind the ubiquitous anthem that every teenager bangs out on their first guitar. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Planet Money - Beer. Water. Pretzels. It takes effort, strategy, and some serious lungs to sell expensive junk food at a baseball game. Meet the hot dog vending legend of Fenway Park. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- The Moth - Elizabeth Browning becomes a local celebrity after writing to her local newspaper. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Every Little Thing - The rise and fall of the world's most controversial pair of shorts. Click here to listen to the full episode.
- Mic Drop - Fiona chops her locks to unveil the person she'd always wanted to look like. Click here to listen to the full episode.
Listen to the full length Canadian Broadcast Version:
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