What's love got to do with it?

'Tis the season of cinnamon hearts and Valentines. Whether you love it or hate it, if you're single or attached — you will love these podcasts.

"A young man, about 25 years of age, in a very good trade, and whose father will make him worth 1000 pounds, will willingly embrace his beautiful match." — One of the very first personal ads from The Allusionist
Historian Francesca Beauman reveals the surprising history behind 'lonelyhearts ads.'

"Well, there are ways to flirt. First: smile. When you smile at somebody, they automatically smile back." — Anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher on BBC Short Cuts
Need some flirting tips? Listen to this "documentary song" by the band Summer Camp.

"[Couples] would even say specifically that they're very egalitarian in the wedding planning…In every case, it was never equal for any of the couples." — Tamara Sniezak on Surprisingly Awesome
A sociologist examines why couples tend to misrepresent exactly how much work goes into wedding planning and how planning the wedding itself can have a big impact on the future relationship dynamic.

4. Strong Opinions Loosely Held
"Why do all players have the same secret admirer? Doesn't that kind of pit women against each other for the affection of the same man?" — Vanessa Golembewsky on Strong Opinions Loosely Held
A writer revisits her favourite childhood game and makes some disturbing realizations.

"Someone goes missing at sea? You owe them six months of celibacy." — Mallory Ortberg on Dear Prudence
Mallory Ortberg has the definitive answer for how long one should wait if their lover is lost at sea.

"She said 'but if you do propose, it's been 12 years, so it better be good.'" — Matt Burt on popping the question
How Matt Burt used an episode of his podcast, Songs in Seven, to propose to his girlfriend Amy Lee.

"If someone asks if I'm gay, say yes. I'm not ashamed." — Reverend Candy Holmes on Historically Black
Reverend Candy Holmes and Reverend Darlene Garner became one of the first same sex couples to get married in 2010. Here they discuss the challenges they faced in coming out and finding a church community that supported their identity.

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