George Clooney says Harvey Weinstein allegations must lead to change
'Otherwise it's just going to be a stupid joke that people make in 3 months,' the actors says

Following the allegations that Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted more than 60 women over a period of time going back decades, Hollywood celebrities have been quick to add their voices to the calls for change. George Clooney is the latest to blast the structure that allows such things to happen. Speaking to q, Clooney says that in order to ensure that this moment doesn't pass, we have to do something about it now.
"You have to think about it in terms of, something good has to come out of this, right?" he says. "Out of all of these things, out of the Hollywood version of it, out of the Fox News version of it, out of the D.C. versions of it, wherever it is. And the first thing that has to happen is that women have to feel safe to come out, they have to be believed, that these perpetrators — the people who are doing this, causing this violence against women and this silencing of women — don't feel safe any more, and don't feel as if they can get away with it.... Otherwise it's just going to be a stupid joke that people make in three months using the name Harvey Weinstein and nothing gets done."
Clooney also thinks the allegations have not spread wide enough, and that the blame goes beyond Weinstein.
"I think we all have a share in that," he says. "I'd like to know who in the news industry who say they've investigated this story and say they've had a story and it was killed, I'd like to know who had that story and why they didn't print it on their website or their blog. If someone knew that story, the facts of that story, and didn't put that story out, then they are part of this.... I also think the people who took young actress up to his hotel room and left them by themselves, I'd like to know who they are."
To hear the full interview with Clooney, be sure to tune into tomorrow's show.