The internet's hilarious responses to the Marie Kondo craze are sparking joy
The new Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo is a massive hit — but not everyone is buying it

When Japanese author and minimalist organizer Marie Kondo released The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing — a book about how people could ruthlessly get rid of clutter — it was an instant hit.
The book has since been published in more than 30 countries, and has led to millions of people around the world going through heaps of clothing, books, papers and other household items, literally bidding adieu to unwanted things and keeping only the items that "sparked joy," as per her method.
Then on Jan. 1, just as people were vowing to turn a new leaf in 2019, Netflix released a six-episode series called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. In it, Kondo visits American homes and guides people on how to pare down using her KonMari method.
No doubt the show has inspired countless viewers to downsize — but it has also unleashed a torrent of hilarious tweets from people who aren't so sure about Kondo's meticulous practices.
So if you're not feeling the joy in folding clothing items in a way that allows them to stand up (one of the methods Kondo espouses), you might find a little joy in these sentiments. Check them out:
[Warning: Some tweets contain strong language.]
Some viewers were genuinely inspired:
Watches Marie Kondo once <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@netflix</a> Sunday night, 11pm, me and my newly tidy drawers after watching <a href="">@MarieKondo</a> 👇🏻 <a href=""></a>
Omg I was in a tidying TRANCE for 2 days doing the kitchen. <a href=""></a>
Inspired! High 5’s <a href="">@netflix</a>! <a href="">#MarieKondo</a> <a href=""></a>
Some came to realize just how much stuff they had:
I regret judging the people on the show for having so many clothes... this wasn’t even the stuff from my drawers! <a href=""></a>
Others experienced the show's effects a little differently:
Start of cleaning: I am a calm minimalist earth goddess <br><br>10 minutes later: Marie Kondo can suck my left titty I love my numerous towers of dusty junk that have given me depression
marie kondo is holding me hostage until i fold the clothes piled on my designated clothes holding chair
marie kondo just pointed a gun at me and told me to give her one good reason as to why i need two crock pots. idk how she even got in my apartment
one of the messy women asked marie kondo if HER house is ever a mess. her mouth said “of course!” but her eyes said “bitch have u met me??”
They cut before you can see but the black van that picks up Marie Kondo actually lifts off the ground and flies her back to her planet
Some saw the humour:
First blessing of 2019: watching Marie Kondo tenderly thanking and folding a “SQUAD GOALS” tank top
me yesterday: this marie kondo thing is some hyper-minimalist twee garbage huh<br><br>me today, crying and whispering to a pair of extremely old underwear: thank u. thanks for being what i needed in life. your purpose is complete. it’s time. your time to go. thank
Marie Kondo quietly weeping as she attempts to do a Konmari with a dog that keeps finding joy in literally every object
me: *watches one episode of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo*<br><br>me, immediately: <a href=""></a>
Some got inadvertently sucked in:
You people are the reason my wife is making me throw away my Iron Maiden t-shirts from high school. Damn you.
Book lovers were not pleased:
Wait Marie Kondo is telling people to toss their books? THEIR BOOKS? <a href=""></a>
Threw out all the clothes I own that don't 'spark joy' (a la <a href="">#MarieKondo</a>). Got 3 pairs of pyjamas and my wedding dress left. 😂😂😂
was very intrigued by marie kondo's konmari method until she got to the category of throwing out books............. <a href=""></a>
Marie Kondo vs. People who love books and keeping them. <br><br>A tragic lack of understanding for now. <a href=""></a>
My books are basically the only thing I own that bring me joy. I'd be on that show fully nude surrounded by books.
Some saw opportunity:
Me waiting for the thrift stores to fill up with all the good stuff now bc of this Marie Kondo Netflix special <a href=""></a>
Someone hire me to host a show that’s the opposite of Marie Kondo where I help you acquire more stuff and cover all your surfaces with bric a brac and old wine glasses
I need a Marie Kondo whodunit where a bunch of dinner guests are bumped off one by one for not bringing joy.
Some imagined applying Kondo's philosophy a little differently:
I've watched the first episode of the Marie Kondo show -- the one where the guy angrily demands that his part-time working wife, who raises their two toddlers alone, do more laundry -- and clearly, KonMari doesn't work, because by the end of the episode he's still there
I'm not kidding, there should be a Marie Kondo-like show about how people have conversations in groups. "Do we need that longwinded anecdote? Could it have been one sentence? Have we repeated that joke before? Let's cut that story into thirds."
how to tidy up your friendships with the Marie Kondo method:<br><br>1. hold your friend up<br>2. check if your friend sparks joy<br>3. if no, thank your friend and put them in the trash
Some are planning to try the method, later. Maybe.
I’m going to do it I swear!!! <a href=""></a>
Me watching “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix while ignoring my closet <a href="">#TUWMK</a> <a href=""></a>
2019 laziness is already in full swing - putting off watching <a href="">#MarieKondo</a>'s new <a href="">@netflix</a> show bc just thinking about being inspired to clean sounds tiring. <a href="">#NewYearSameMe</a>
Still others used few words, but spoke volumes:
<a href=""></a>
Meanwhile others saw the benefit of all those things people don't use:
Y’all I also hope this sparks people to start donating to shelters. So many people can use what your not enjoying anymore. I love this movement and I’m ready to join in.