Toronto coffee shop lures Tom Hanks with hilarious TIFF campaign
Last year Grinder Coffee got a visit from Ryan Gosling. Now they've launched 'Tom Hanks Needs Grinder'

Update: The shop's Tom Hanks campaign worked. See story below.
Like thousands of film fans, the owner of a Toronto coffee shop wants to do a little Toronto International Film Festival celebrity watching this week — but unlike others, she's hoping to do it without leaving her store.
Located in Leslieville, Grinder Coffee owner Joelle Murray has launched the Tom Needs Grinder campaign, which is aimed at luring legendary actor Tom Hanks to visit the shop during TIFF.
During the first several days of the 10-day campaign Murray has used a cardboard cutout of Hanks to recreate the giant piano scene from Big, simulate going for pizza with the star, and even get him a tattoo. (She is working with a $100 budget for the entire campaign, so the Hanks cutout doesn't have legs, and the large piano keyboard was borrowed from her four-year-old.)
Day 1 of our <a href="">#tomneedsgrinder</a> campaign. Welcome <a href="">@tomhanks</a>. We have complied a few fun facts to entice you to Grinder during <a href="">#TIFF19</a> (see full list on Facebook or Instagram) 1) Life is better with Grinder. When <a href="">@idriselba</a> didn't show, Brexit happened. 2) really awesome coffee <a href=""></a>
It's not the first time the coffee shop has managed to lure a big name. Last year, staff and customers chose Ryan Gosling as their target, and the Canadian heartthrob did show up at the shop.
"It was very exciting. I didn't actually expect my plan to work and was very surprised when it did," says Murray with a laugh. "But his mom had seen the campaign and they found it very funny."
Day 2 of <a href="">#tomneedsgrinder</a>. <a href="">@tomhanks</a> Please see our, oops we mean <a href="">#ryangosling</a> recommendation letter. <br>Tom, <br>Grinder Coffee is the best place ever. Joelle is a riot, the staff awesome and the coffee AMAZING .<a href="">@idriselba</a> is a shattered man after his no show. Don't be an Idris. Ryan <a href=""></a>
In 2017, the first year of the shop's TIFF campaign, Murray chose Idris Elba, but he was a no-show, which has led to relentless ribbing of the famed actor.
On day two of the current campaign, the shop released a tongue-in-cheek "recommendation letter" from Gosling.
"Tom, Grinder Coffee is the best place ever. Joelle is a riot, the staff awesome and the coffee AMAZING . @idriselba is a shattered man after his no show. Don't be an Idris."
Day 3 of our <a href="">#tomneedsgrinder</a> campaign. We are really going <a href="">#big</a> on our campaign. We recreated one of your movies to show our dedicatation. We included the original photo for reference so you can clearly see we <a href="">#NailedIt</a> . Never showed that kind of <a href="">#love</a> for <a href="">@idriselba</a> <a href="">#TIFF</a> <a href=""></a>
This year, Murray was torn between Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep, but staff and customers tipped the scale toward Hanks.
"I love both of them, and I really wanted Meryl," says Murray, "but our joke has been that it's a lot easier to recreate Tom Hanks films than it is to recreate, say, Kramer vs. Kramer, or Silkwood, or Sophie's Choice."
Day four of our <a href="">#tomneedsgrinder</a> campaign <a href="">@tomhanks</a> we get always having to take out your <a href="">#SQUAD</a> , <a href="">#costars</a>, <a href="">#friends</a> can get very costly. So we just wanted to show you that our pricing is very reasonable. (<a href="">@idriselba</a> must have thought we were in pounds) <a href=""></a>
"And Tom Hanks is hilarious. We've been following his social media feed, and he takes pictures with drunk people, he holds up wallets that people have lost," says Murray. "So I feel like he'll really appreciate the humour behind it."
Murray says her favourite Hanks films include Big, Splash, The Post and The Green Mile, and her four-year-old loves The Polar Express and Toy Story. Forrest Gump is also her husband's favourite film of all time. "Every time it's on TV he stops and watches it," she says.
Day 5 of our <a href="">#tomneedsgrinder</a> campaign. <a href="">@tomhanks</a> we thought you might like to commemorate your <a href="">#TIFF</a> visit to Grinder. Make sure you eat one our <a href="">#muffins</a> before you go, it helps with the pain. Don't forget to show <a href="">@idriselba</a> your ink he will be so jealous. <a href=""></a>
Murray says she's hoping to get a few fun photos with the star, who is in Toronto to promote his new Mr. Rogers biopic, A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood. Until then, she's constantly devising new ways to draw him to her shop, including getting his cutout TIFF-ready at favourite neighbourhood spots, and rolling out a red carpet.
So what will Murray do if Hanks shows up? She says she's offering a free cup of coffee for Hanks and 15 per cent off for his entourage. And if Hanks wants to purchase a mug he'll get a paltry 10 per cent discount.
"We're a small business," says Murray with a laugh. "But I talk a good game, and then I cave in the end because I get stars in my eyes."
Day 6 of our <a href="">#tomneedsgrinder</a> campaign .Being in town for the <a href="">#TIFF19</a> premiere of <a href="">#beautifuldayintheneighborhood</a> we thought you would like to see a <a href="">#beautifuldayinourneighborhood</a> <a href="">@idriselba</a> there is new sheriff in town and he looks good. <a href="">#neighborhoodlove</a> <a href=""></a>
UPDATE: On Friday night, Hanks paid a visit to Grinder Coffee. Murray wasn't there at the time, but Hanks spoke with her on the phone.
"I picked up the phone and it wasn't my staff, it was Tom Hanks," Murray, who was at home eating dinner with her family, told CBC News. "So that was quite a surprise."
Day 7.5 of our <a href="">#tomneedsgrinder</a> campaign. New#: <a href="">#tomneededgrinder</a> sorry for the bad pics he came when we were closing up. Joelle was at home but had a lovely chat with him. Thanks <a href="">@tomhanks</a> for taking the time to come by and visit us we admire you. <a href="">#TIFF19</a> <a href=""></a>
"He was so funny and generous," said Murray. "He told me I was very clever, so that made my day, absolutely."